Thursday, June 30, 2011

Indian women world's most stressed - survey

Via Network of Women in Media, India yahoo group:

Tue, Jun 28 12:24 PM IST
By Elaine Lies

TOKYO (Reuters Life!) - Women around the world feel stressed and pressed for
time, but women in emerging markets are more stressed than their sisters in
developed nations -- and Indian women say they are the most stressed of all,
according to a survey published on Tuesday.

But while women in emerging markets may be under more pressure, they are
also far more hopeful, with most seeing more financial stability and better
chances for education for their daughters, according to the survey of 21
developed and emerging nations by global information and analytics firm

An overwhelming 87 percent of Indian women said they felt stressed most of
the time, and 82 percent had no time to relax.

Despite being stressed, though, Indian women were also the most likely to
spend any extra cash they might happen to have on themselves over the next
five years.

Nearly all, 96 percent, anticpated buying clothes, while 77 percent said
they would splash out on health and beauty products and 44 percent on home

"Women across the globe are achieving higher levels of education, joining
the workforce in greater numbers and contributing more to the household
income," said Susan Whiting, vice chair at Nielsen, in a statement.

"Women tell Nielsen they feel empowered to reach their goals and get what
they want, but at the same time, this level of empowerment results in added

Mexican women came in second in terms of stress and lack of time, with 74
percent, followed by Russia with 69 percent, which the survey blamed partly
on the intense pace of social change, with what took half a century to
evolve in developed countries compressed into five for their emerging

The highest stress levels in developed countries were Spain with 66 percent
and France with 65 percent. Some 53 percent of U.S. women said they were


Women in general felt they had more opportunities than their mothers no
matter where they were living.

But women in emerging markets believed their daughters will have more
chances than they did, while those in developed nations said their girls
will only have the same opportunites, not more.

In emerging markets, 80 percent of women surveyed believe their daughters
will have greater financial stability and 83 percent believe they will have
more educational opportunity.

Only 40 percent of women in developed nations saw their daughters having
more financial stability, and only 54 percent forecast more educational

"The difference in perceptions is ... reflective of the belief that women in
developed countries have achieved a certain level of attainment and
success," said Whiting.

"While women in emerging markets see tremendous growth in the opportunities
for their daughters, a plateau of hope is evident in developed countries."

The most optimistic women were in Turkey, an overwhelming 92 percent of whom
thought their daughters would have more opportunities than they did,
followed by 89 percent of Nigerians and Malaysians.

Only half of U.S. women thought the same.

No matter where they were, though, women were more keyed into social
networking than men, talking 28 percent more and texting 14 percent more
every month. They also visited more Internet community sites.

More than half of women in both developed and emerging nations said that
computers, mobile phones and smart phones had changed their lives for the

"To connect with women, strategies should be social and relevant," said
Whiting, noting that social networking meant women followed brands more than

"Women are much more likely to engage with media that seamlessly integrates
into and improves their day-to-day lives."

The survey was conducted from February to April and covered nearly 6,500
women in Turkey, Russia, South Africa, Nigeria, China, Thailand, India,
Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom,
Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Japan, Australia and South Korea.

(Reporting by Elaine Lies; Editing by Sugita Katyal)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

WAVE featured on India Governance website as a best practice!

Please comment -

Thanks to Attrika Hazarika at One World South Asia for interviewing and documenting us!

One young journalist's account of being bribed with 'gifts' from the corporate world

How many of us feel that our biological clock is ticking?

Ever thought about artificial insemination/ freezing eggs, etc?

Check out this blog:

Then share your thoughts...

The need for bloggers who are citizen journalists

Via Zest Media yahoo group:,,6549817,00.html

Press Freedom | 20.06.2011
World needs journalists now more than ever, says expert

Person standing in front of magazine stand
News comes in many forms
Journalists have been denied access to some events in the Arab world,
meaning bloggers are key to reporting on human rights abuses. Press
freedom expert Joel Simon explains how this could represent a change
in roles.

Joel Simon is executive director of the Committee to Protect
Journalists (CPJ), an international non-profit organization run by
journalists for journalists. Founded in 1981 and headquartered in New
York, the CPJ campaigns for freedom of the press and the right of
journalists to report news without fear. Deutsche Welle spoke with him
about the changing face of journalism in the internet age.

Deutsche Welle: What is your definition of a journalist?

Joel Simon: In the most basic form, journalists gather and disseminate
information that is of interest and relevance to the public. There are
professional journalists who do this and there are people who do it as
citizens. Because of new technologies there are more citizen
journalists today then perhaps at any time in history. But the
profession is none in which you need a license to practice.

Are bloggers journalists? Joel Simon Joel Simon is the executive director of CPJ

Bloggers can be journalists. When there is an issue of whether a
particular individual is a journalist or not, we read up on it. We
read the blog, we make sure that we read it in the language that it
has been written in, we look at the context in which it was written,
we look at the function that it is performing. There are blogs about
all sorts of things that certainly don't qualify as journalism. But
there are many blogs which are clearly journalistic.

In 2009, you said that "bloggers are at the vanguard of the online
revolution." Are they at the vanguard of modern journalism, too?

At that time, there was so much emphasis on bloggers because that was
the new medium through which the public was engaging in this new form
of journalism. But there are new tools available now, like Twitter,
Facebook, YouTube, and other kinds of social media. I think what has
clearly happened is that the ability of citizens to engage in
journalism and to disseminate what they see and what they think to a
portion of the public is now institutionalized. This in no way
diminishes the critically important role of professional journalists
who do it for a living, who are trained, who work with institutional
support and resources. We absolutely need them.

facebook logo with silhouette of poeple on laptopsFacebook and Twitter
were vital for Arab world bloggers I had a look at your "Prison Census
2010." You investigated 145 cases and 69 of these imprisoned
journalists were working with the internet - most of them being
bloggers. In what respect does the online revolution change your work
as an organization defending journalists worldwide?

In many repressive societies there is no outlet through which people
can express critical views, express criticism of the government. So
they have chosen to do that through blogs and other forms of social
media because there is no outlet in the institutional press. The
governments in these countries have recognized that this represents a
threat to them and they crack down. We have seen this in places like
China and Iran. We have seen that throughout the Middle East over the
last several months.

Syrian protestorsSyrian protests have largely been reported on by
online journalists Let's take the footage that we get from Syria these
days, or the pictures that reached us from Iran during the Green
Revolution of 2009, especially the ones of murdered student Neda.
Without bloggers and YouTubers, the international mainstream media
would not have been able to report.

That is true. But if you look at Syria now, that also shows the
deficiencies or the limitations of not having professional,
institutional journalists on the scene with resources. Yes, we know
something about what is happening in Syria but it is fragmented. It is
very difficult to understand and verify the context. And the Syrian
government has made a systematic, effective effort to shut out the
international media and to shut down the indigenous Syrian media. So
citizen journalists and human rights activists and others have stepped
into the fold at a great risk to themselves. But our understanding of
events is fragmented and partial and that is not an acceptable

Pile of newspapers Traditional media is experiencing dramatic changes
Professional journalists are trained to gather facts and to check them
and not to take sides. But if it comes to massive human rights abuses,
don't we have to take sides at some point like citizen journalists do
right from the start? Don't we run the risk that our so-called
balanced professional reporting is actually aiding the perpetrators
much more than the victims?

Some journalists even among the professionals have very strong
opinions and they believe very fervently that it is their role to
document and denounce human rights abusers. You know, you have to be
committed to the facts, you have to be open to new information, and
you have to verify and check the information that you disseminate.
Those are the basic ethical obligations of all journalists. But
journalists absolutely have an obligation to document human rights
abuses because they are newsworthy.

Is the internet revolution more of a chance or a threat to press
freedom and to the exposure of human rights abuses?

It is both. It is a revolutionary communications technology. But I
have been talking to people who have been looking at this issue
historically and people ask the same kind of questions about the
telephone and the telegraph and the radio and the television. Any new
media that has come along that has allowed people to inform the public
more rapidly and more effectively has transformed journalism. In the
end it will sort itself out because there is a basic human impulse
both to gather information and to disseminate that information. And
there is a basic human impulse to want to be informed about what is
happening around us. The medium through which that is done may change
but the basic exercise of journalism will not.

CPJ logoCPJ is based in New York

So even in times of blogs and Twitter and Facebook this world needs us
professional journalists?

It needs us more than ever. The number of journalists and the kinds of
journalists, that is all changing and it is expanding. There is still
a crisis in institutional journalism because the economic model is
under stress. But the basic desire of people around the world to
receive information and understand the events that are taking place
around them is stronger than ever. The interconnectedness we all have
as a result of these new technologies reinforces that. So journalists
have a vital role to play. I am absolutely convinced they will
continue to play it, and I am also convinced that there are darker
forces like repressive governments, criminal groups and militant
organizations that will continue to try to impede the work of

Joel Simon is one of the world's leading media experts and writes for
the New York Times and the Washington Post.

Interview: Sandra Petersmann

Editor: Louisa Schaefer

Why doesn't the Indian government broadcast classes from our best schools??

Via Zest Media yahoo group:

Bangladesh TV starts televising school classes
June 16th, 2011 - 13:09 UTC
by Andy Sennitt.

Bangladesh‚s national broadcaster, BTV, has begun televising classes
from some of the country‚s top schools. The live, nationwide
broadcasts are aimed at improving the quality of education in

On the first day of the programme, an English lesson was aired from
Viqarunnisa Noon School, an all-girls school in Dhaka. Lessons in
other subjects from two other schools will be aired over the next few
days, and the Education Minister, Nurul Islam Nahid, suggested that
the programme will be extended to other schools.

He said television sets were being distributed to some schools in
remote areas to enable students to watch the lessons.

(Source: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

New study from Skoch Foundation finds poor trailing behind in banking access

Rural poor getting left out ‘Financial inclusion far from inclusive’

Dear Fellow Traveller,

The total number of no-frill accounts as of 31st March 2011 stands at 74.3 million, but the number of active accounts reported by various banks varies between a miniscule 3% and 20% as per the preliminary findings of the “State of the Sector Report” for wholesome financial inclusion. Some of the preliminary findings of the study are as follows:
Out of a total of 5,165 new branches opened in 2011, only 21.86% are rural branches. Rural outreach seems to be entirely dependent on Business Correspondents. And that too seems a bit defocused due to viability concerns.
A growth rate of more than 700% in Urban Customer Service Points (CSPs) over the last year point towards the latest trend of urbanization among Business Correspondents (BCs). Although there is not much difference between growth rates, the number of urban households covered by no-frill accounts is almost double than rural households.
The availability of credit is key enabling factor for poverty alleviation. All indicators provide cause for concern: Declining growth rate of Self Help Groups, negative growth in total loans issued by co-operatives and deceleration in growth in agriculture credit to 10.6 per cent during 2010-11 from 22.9 per cent in the previous year.
Only 0.18% of the total No Frill Accounts have an overdraft which totals a mere Rs 198 crore, out of which 81% belongs to the Bank of India. No-Frill Accounts will remain unused unless there is an Overdraft incentive at the outset. This meager amount of overdraft has to be seen in context of Rs 100 crore advertising plan of Indian Banks’ Association to promote financial inclusion. This amount is sufficient to give a Rs 500 overdraft to 2 million poor households.
The two years since the first study “Speeding Financial Inclusion” was released by Skoch Development Foundation in 2009 has seen a lot of progress on the ground with Ministry of Finance and Reserve Bank of India taking a proactive role in facilitating financial inclusion and incorporating many of its recommendations.
But given the size of the un-banked population in the country, the ongoing drive can at best be considered a "significant beginning". Only a little more than a third of India's population have access to banking services at present. In other words, only 3,500 villages have brick and mortar branches and even if another 73,000 habitations are brought under the net through the Financial Inclusion project, there would still be about 5 lakh habitations left uncovered.
Sameer Kochhar
Skoch Group

Inviting applications for State, City and Student Coordinators in INDIA Redefined

"Don't leave governance to the people who are not our representatives, don't leave Policy to the people who do not feel they are accountable to us, and don't leave all the other problems like literacy, slums, environment etc to NGOs and social workers who struggle without Citizen's support"

Best Humanitarian Initiative 2009 award winner INDIA Redefined is a non political Citizen’s Empowerment movement has brought together common people working for the country on one platform. The mission is to empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioural change in the masses towards discharging their responsibilities and exercising their rights which are constitutional, societal and social.

All over world the Govt. sector, corporate sector, NGO sector are working but INDIA Redefined is bringing the fourth sector i.e. Common people working for country on one platform . That too in masses!. Common people till now have only come together if they are against something ; e.g All Independence movements, Movements against corruption, they have never come on one platform to work for country and then empowering themselves.

In pursuance of the above stated objective, INDIA Redefined is inviting applications from committed individuals for the posts of State Coordinators in States all over the country, City Coordinators in all Cities, Student State Coordinators and Student Coordinators from individual Universities/Colleges/Areas.

The application should:
1. Specify the Post for which you are applying
2. Consist the answer to as to why you want to join the INDIA Redefined movement
3. Please read the work profiles of coordinators on before applying

All applications should be mailed to the email address and before June 18, 2011. Since we aim to form working committees within individual states as soon as possible, no application after the given date will be considered.

Also apply for internship of INDIA Redefined at

INDIA Redefined merchandise (Store) Buy Sweatshirt,T-shirt,Mug,Poster,Chocolate,Teddybear,Cap,Apron,Coaster,Tiffinbox,Mousepad,Sipper,SchoolBag,Keychain,PencilBox,Sticker,Canvas

If you are willing to mentor ten semi illiterate Indians then JOIN INDIA C.U.R.E INDIA Campaign - Citizen United for Redefining & Empowering. "Ek Ka Dus" is the first Initiative of C.U.R.E. India Campaign. Make a difference in the lives of ten underprivileged Indians and let them become your follower.

India Redefined Initiatives -“I Care” ,"Educate India", "Develop your own village", "Cure India" , “Youth Campaign-Clean, Green, United, Peaceful India”

You can see Ranjana Kanti's interview aired in 2 parts on ETV Urdu on 19th and 26th April in the programme "Ham Badlenge Desh Badlega"

Part 1 - (Aired on 19th April 2011)

Part 2 - (Aired on 26th April 2011)

Many INDIA Redefined Supporters have put their INDIA Redefined badges on their facebook and other social networking sites.Those who do not have INDIA Redefined Badge with them, Please send us your pic on, so that we can make your INDIA Redefined badge , which will be sent to you on your mail and you can put it on your facebook and other social networking sites.

Do some event under IR banner which can be downloaded from website.
Help in finding IT people for making IR Portal.
Make more and more People join this movement IR. Spread the message through media, speeches, mails etc.
Read everything on website once again and Talk to me once at 9004188844

TEAM INDIA Redefined

INDIA Redefined is asking for ISR Individual Social Responsibi

Create an India of tomorrow which is
· Awakened, informed and educated
· Clean, green and sustainable
· Healthy, prosperous and happy

Empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioral change in the masses towards discharging their Responsibilities and exercising their Rights, which are:
· Constitutional
· Social
· Societal

Wikipedia event in Bombay - talk about Creative Commons - Sat 18 June

Greetings from wikipedians in Mumbai!

We're hosting a talk on Creative Commons licencing Saturday 18 June at 5 pm at National College's Conference Hall and would love it if you could be there.

The talk, by Dr Shishir Jha, project lead, Creative Commons India, will touch on various conceptual and practical aspects of these licences that are of relevance to filmmakers, photographers, writers, musicians, artists, media practitioners, non-profits, activists, lawyers, archives, galleries, libraries, museums and interested others.

Some of the questions the presentation will explore:
*What are the ideological and philosophical underpinnings of Creative Commons licenses?
*Why licence via Creative Commons?
*What does the shift from copyright ('all rights reserved') to creative commons licencing ('some rights reserved') mean conceptually and in practice?
*What kinds of Creative Commons licences are currently available? What are the implications of each?
*What are the benefits and risks of distributing one's work under a Creative Commons licence?

The presentation will be followed by an interactive q and a session, including case studies of using CC licences in India.

Hope to see you there!

Date: Saturday 18 June
Time: 5 pm
Place: National College, Conference Hall, Linking Road, Bandra

on behalf of wikipedians in Mumbai

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

When protectors against crime become perpetrators of it

The alleged rape and murder of Sonam Ali, a 14 year minor girl, in Lakhimpur district of Uttar Pradesh is another shocking revelation of human rights violations. The girl’s body was found hanging from a tree near an under-construction block in Nighasan police station of the same district. The body was recovered last Friday.

Reports suggest that the girl stayed close to the station and had entered the premises to regain her strayed buffalo from that area. It was suspected that she was approached by the policemen. And when she did not return home, her mother went to seek police help. It was latter in the evening that Sonam's body was found in the same premise hanging from a tree.

Initially, the police tried to project it as a suicide while the mother accused the police men posted at this station of murder and rape. While 11 policemen were suspended the next day, police seemed to be contrived about its action. Those who were suspended include: two sub-inspectors, one head constable and eight constables.

The initial post-mortem of the girl prompted the police to make this a suicide case. It was only after a lot of condemnation from the centre, members of opposition and civil society that UP chief minister, Mayawati ordered another post-mortem by a panel of doctors from other districts. Meanwhile, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) also sent a probe team after it took suo motu cognisance of media reports alleging that a teenage girl was raped and killed at police station.

The second post-mortem has revealed that the girl was murdered, but has ruled out rape. The three doctors who conducted the previous post-mortem have been suspended and a top police officer has been removed. Neither of the two post-mortems has discovered rape while officers are still trying to probe the rape angel.

Another important update that has come in the media is Sonam’s five year old brother Arman’s acknowledgment to the police that he saw her sister dragged inside the police station on Friday. He identified this man named Chander who with others beat his sister and strangled his sister.

Following this important lead, the police may arrest the three suspects named by Sonam’s father in the FIR. Watchman Intezam Ali, 41, had named station house officer Ravi Srivastava, sub-inspector Vinod Kumar Singh and head constable Surendra Pratap Singh.

While this case had already become a political battle ground among the UP govt., the Congress, the BJP and the SP; a major blow for the government when Sonam’s mother alleged that the family was offered Rs 5Lacs to keep mum and give vague statements. This led to the second post-mortem, and the action against the first panel of doctors, and the police official.

Criminal Investigation Department of the crime branch is handling the investigation, but Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh today demanded a CBI probe. The BJP and the Samajwadis are supporting the demand. Although it may take some time for the findings to come out and government to take appropriate action, case like this has revealed a very dark side of the police system.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Stand up for journalists to protect free speech in India!

Press Release
June 13, 2011

The killing of Mid-Day (Special Investigations) Editor J Dey on June
11, 2011, was the third death of a journalist in India over the last
six months. In all three instances, investigations are on but no
arrests have been made, much less is there any headway as to the
killers or their motives.

The impunity with which these attacks have taken place only shows
that, in India, freedom of speech and expression cannot be taken for
granted. The Free Speech Tracker set up last year by the Free Speech
Hub to monitor all instances of violations of freedom of speech and
expression reveals that attacks on journalists and intimidation of
editors and writers continued unabated.

· On December 20, 2010, Sushil Pathak, a journalist with
Dainik Bhaskar in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh, was shot dead while
returning home after a late night shift. The general secretary of the
Bilaspur Press Club, Pathak is surived by his wife and two children.
An investigation began into his death but till February this year, no
headway was made into it. Following sustain protests from journalists’
organisations as well as opposition parties in Chhattisgarh, the
state’s Chief Minister Raman Singh, ordered that the investigation be
handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

· On January 23, 2011, Umesh Rajput, a reporter with Nai
Duniya was shot dead by two masked assailants on a motorcycle. A note,
stating "Khabar chaapna band nahi karoge toh mare jaoge" (If you don't
stop publishing news, you will be killed), was found near the crime

Apart from these deaths, there have been 14 instances of attacks on
journalist in this year alone.

On January 3, Sudhir Dhawale, dalit activist and editor of Vidrohi, a
Marathi magazine, was arrested and charged with sedition and links
with Maoists.

In January, Somanath Sahu, reporter of ‘Dharitri', was prevented from
attending a press conference at the office of the Deputy Commissioner
of Police, Shaheed Nagar, Bhubaneshwar and threatened with dire
consequences for writing reports that went against the police.

Rajat Ranjan Das, a reporter of Sambad daily, sustained fractures and
head injuries by alleged supporters of Saikh Babu, a ruling Biju
Janata Dal leader from Pipili, Orissa in February.

In the same month MBC TV reporter Kiran Kanungo and cameraperson
Prasant Jena were roughed up by a group of BJD workers in Banki. And,
in a separate incident the same day, OTV reporter NM Baisakh and his
cameraman Anup Ray were beaten up by anti-social elements in Paradeep
when they were covering a protest dharna outside the IOCL main gate by
local people demanding jobs and compensation.

In February, an NDTV team of journalists and camera crew were harassed
and illegally detained allegedly by staff belonging to the Adani group
when the were filming a report on the large-scale destruction of
mangroves in Mundra, Gujarat, due to the construction of a port by the

In April, Bikash Swain, the publisher of Suryaprava, an Odiya daily
alleged intimidation by police, following a series of adverse reports
that he published. Last September, Swain was arrested by police and
protests by journalists about vindictive action by police have
obviously failed to have an effect.

On May 3, ironically on World Press freedom Day, Goan Observer
journalist Gary Azavedo was attacked and illegally detained by
security staff of a mining company in Cauverm, Goa when he went there
to cover the on-going agitation against mining companies.

In May, three journalists were beaten up allegedly by CPI(M)
supporters in Burdwan district in West Bengal.

On May 8, in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, a group of youths, allegedly
supporters of Nabam Tuki, Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee
president and State PWD Minister, attacked several media offices,
including the local office of PTI and a local newspaper Arunachal
Front, apparently to protest a report in a leading daily involving
their leader.

On May 19, MiD DAY reporter Tarakant Dwivedi, better known as Akela,
was arrested under the Official Secrets Act by the Government Railway
Police (GRP) for an article written over a year ago in the Mumbai
Mirror that exposed the poor condition in which hi-tech weapons
procured after the 26/11 attack were being kept by the railway
security forces.

On May 21, unidentified assailants waylaid V B Unnithan, Kollam-based
senior reporter of the widely circulated Malayalam daily, Mathrubhumi,
and assaulted him with iron rods. Unnithan was heading home after work
on April 16.

Geeta Seshu, Coordinator, The Free Speech Hub (
Attacks on journalists in India – a report from The Free Speech Hub of

Sunday, June 12, 2011

WAVE is looking for one awesome intern in Goa - apply now!

WAVE is a start-up social enterprise that can be described as a young women-led media network and platform that reports rights violations, provides solution-oriented perspectives and harnesses the power of a collective new media community to take action towards sustainable development.

We are seeking an exceptional intern to work out of the director's home-office in Goa for a minimum of three months.

Intern responsibilities:
Promotion of videos: Send to film festivals and solicit more videos for our website from media colleges, etc.

Partner organisations: Connect with contact persons to encourage use of WAVE cameras locally, provide information about WAVE's current activities and solicit videos.

Research and funding: Assist with fundraising. Connect with organisations and foundations in India and abroad to provide information about WAVE and explore collaboration opportunities.

Preferred qualifications:
- Bachelor's degree or higher.
- Strong interest in citizen journalism, new media and feminism.
- Well-organised.
- Good at written and spoken communications in English and Hindi.
- Computer and internet savvy.

A basic stipend of Rs 5000/month will be paid. Accomodation and transport will need to be borne by the intern, but we will help with arrangements.

This is also a great learning opportunity in video production, new media and creative advocacy.

Application deadline: July 1. Candidate to be selected by July 15.
Preferred start date: August 1

To apply:
Send an email cover letter describing why you would like to intern and explain any relevant experience to

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Check out the blog created at WAVE's workshop at St Anthony's college in Shillong

Babul Gogoi created a great-looking blog at the Citizen Journalism and New Media workshop that WAVE co-organised with the mass media department of St Anthony's College in Shillong on May 24-25. Watch some of the creative videos the students produced and the blogs they wrote about social issues there.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fellowship for social researchers in gender studies and other

Applies to all areas but northeast Wavers especially take note and circulate in your networks... You can earn Rs 20,000 per month for research, and maybe you can pitch to research on video?

Also, you can forward this opportunity to study in Singapore to those who in 10th standard:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Rhodes scholarship available to pursue a BA at Oxford Univ

For Indian citizens under 25 years, click the link below for more info: